
Vacation in Feodosia: attractions and recreation

In the southeastern Crimea, on the Black Sea coast, there is one of the oldest cities in the world – Feodosia. A place that is full of history, and values are all around. Memorials, galleries, pristine beaches, incredibly beautiful architecture – all this will make a vacation in Feodosia interesting and impressive. In the article we will tell you about the most popular tourist sites of the city.

Holidays in Feodosia

Feodosia is the native land of the famous Russian morenist and batalist I.K.Aivazovsky. The master of the brush is famous for its stunning seascapes and naval battles. The selection of the I.K. Aivazovsky art gallery includes more than 600 works of painting and graphics by the master. Nowhere in the world are there the same museums in terms of the number of paintings with the sea. And in total, the artist has painted about 6 thousand paintings in his entire life.
The Genoese fortress of Kafa – a monument of history and art on the seashore was built in the 14th century. In the Middle Ages, the fortress served to guard against enemy attacks and played the role of a defensive structure. The fortress had a citadel and a 5-kilometer outer wall with 30 towers, which at one time enclosed over seventy hectares of territory. Now there is little left of the grandiose structure: a piece of the gate, parts of the walls, several towers, churches and a bridge.

The ship-house is a literary and memorial museum named after A.S.Green. The writer adored Feodosia, here he created popular works: “The Road to Nowhere”, “Running on the Waves” and “The Golden Chain”. All the details of the decoration, which the publicist used in everyday life during his lifetime, have not been lost to this day. You can visit the museum complex during reception hours: from 10 am to six pm.
Beach in Feodosia

If you talk about all the sights, it can take weeks. Before your vacation, you need not only to plan the places you are going to visit, but also to rent a house or book a hotel in advance. Every year, the flow of travelers becomes more solid, because many of us dream of getting acquainted with the centuries-old past of the city. And here, who got up earlier – that and sneakers.

The ideal time to stay at the resort is from May to October. The beach season starts from June 1-5, due to the fact that the water heats up to a comfortable temperature of 21-23 degrees. And during the velvet period, you can not only swim, but also enjoy the silence – there are much fewer holidaymakers with children. Do not forget that housing prices in Feodosia during this period are lower due to strong competition.