
The tourist product finally turned into an economic category only in the conditions of mass tourism.

The intensity of tourism is an indicator that gives an idea of what part of the country’s population (as a percentage) makes at least one trip annually. When the intensity of tourism is above 50%, we can say that tourism in this country has a massive character. The tourist balance of a country is the ratio between the cost of goods and services sold to foreigners in a given country and the cost of goods and services sold to citizens of a given country abroad. If the tourism balance is positive, then they say that tourism is active for the economy of this country (Thailand, Switzerland), if negative — passive (Germany, Russia).


From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of tourism as an integral part of services lies in a faster payback of invested funds and income in a freely convertible currency. Tourism business stimulates the development of other sectors of the economy: construction, trade, agriculture, consumer goods production, communications, etc.

This business attracts entrepreneurs for many reasons: small initial investments, growing demand for tourist services, a high level of profitability and a minimum payback period. In the tourism industry, the dynamics of growth in the volume of services provided leads to an increase in the number of jobs much faster than in other industries. The time interval between the growth of demand for tourist services and the emergence of new jobs in the tourism business is minimal.


Tourism, in addition to its huge economic importance, plays a big role in expanding the boundaries of mutual understanding and trust between people of different religions and cultures. Its activities are not limited only to trade in goods and services and the search for new trading partners. It is also aimed at establishing relationships between citizens of different countries for the preservation and prosperity of peace.

The task of tourism development requires the solution of many related tasks, for example, the development of the transport system, the development of the catering system, image improvement, the development of information infrastructure.