

Choosing a cottage base for recreation with children

Kids need impressions. A trip to the bereznyak, to the lake or to the spring is perfect for replenishing the knowledge base and skills of the baby. When studying vacation spots in the Leningrad region, take into account the tips that will allow you to turn a vacation with a child into an absolute pleasure!

Do not go far away to the Leningrad region

Kids don’t respect the hard road. Tedious hours on the plane, tedious shaking in the car, the difference in time zones — it takes out of patience not only the baby, but also his mom and dad. Teach […]


Tourism classifications

Depending on the criterion by which the trip is evaluated, many classifications can be distinguished.

Recreational tourism

medical tourism

health tourism

educational (excursion) tourism

sports tourism

extreme tourism

for the purpose of travel

by landscape and geographical features

by mode of travel: active, transport tourism.

Business tourism

Other classifications

according to the method of equipment

, according to the organizational form

, according to age and social characteristics

, according to activity during vacation

, according to other characteristics.

Tourism functions

Tourism as a multidimensional phenomenon performs a large number of functions that can be divided into several large groups.

Social and humanitarian functions:

cognitive and educational function – acquisition and replenishment of knowledge, acquaintance with nature, history, culture of […]